Welcome to the Jan-- Mar 2015 Project. It is winter and here in Utah we have had a lot of snow. It reminds me that snow means ice, and I think both ice and snow are good painting subjects. So, for this projectct, we are going to paint from the theme: Ice & Snow. Your painting must be painted specifically
for this project and be watermedia. Submit your images to me via email. Send title and comments about the paintings and painting
process. Let me know if it is okay to link your email address when I add your
image to the project page. Also, if you have a web site, send that address so that I can link it also. The project end date is Mar 31, 2016.
The images on this page are protected by copyright
law. Any use without the expressed consent of the artist is prohibited!!!

Maury Kettell
The seasons bring a lot to us watercolorists, more variety, different color, and light that changes over the seasons. I love the seasons because they bring this variety. During one of these winter days, the light out of the south fell across the snow and made some beautiful shadows from the trees in my backyard. I grabbed my camera, stepped out the back door and took about 10 photos. This painting is from one of those photos. Painted on Arches 140 CP. Size is 20"x28."
Email Maury

Mary Maltman
Looking out the kitchen window. (Photo by my friend Kathy Densmore).
Email Mary

Karen Bryson
"Silent Stream"
I enjoyed painting this watercolor, as I haven't done a snow scene in a very long time. I enjoy snow from a distance anymore. I am slowly getting used to painting in a looser style. It is painted on 9 x 12 Strathmore 140lb watercolor paper.
Email Karen

Cathy Joerger
"Two Sisters"
Attached is my painting "Two Sisters."Painted with Winsor Newton, Holbein and Daniel Smith watercolors on Arches 140 lb. Cold Press, 5.9" x 11.8."
Email Cathy

Randy Emmons
"Winter Creek"
Half sheet watercolor “Winter Creek.” Tried real hard to make it feel good and cold.
Randy's Web Site
Email Randy

Rich Stedman
"Closer to Heaven"
This was painted from a photograph from the Paint my Photo website. Copyright free use of photos members post. It turned out to be a monochromatic painting. The only colors I used were ultramarine blue mixed with Van Dyke brown giving grey, blue/grey and black. Arches 300# cold press 12” x 8”.
Rich's Web Site
Email Rich

Kathy Robbins
"High Country"
Thanks Maury for the challenge of snow and ice subject. As I have not made painting snow and ice high on my painting list I learned a lot. I decided to keep it simple and just paint from my imagination. Some place I would like to be inside that cabin on the right side of the painting. Warm and dry with ample supplies to sustain me while I painted with solitude.
Kathy's Web Site
Email Kathy

Eric English
"Chamas River below Abiquiu Dam, New Mexico"
This is my submission on the theme of snow and ice themes for Maury Kettell's winter project. "Chamas River below Abiquiu Dam, New Mexico." 7 X 10" Arches 140 lb
Email Eric
Email Maury

Tom Rossman
Painted from photo on NYC Madison Park.
Email Tom
Email Maury